Crystal Moselle’s intimate portrait of a family of seven homeschooled kids
confined for most of their lives to an apartment in the Lower East Side of New
York City plays like an extended but bloated student film. This amateur quality
is stylistically fitting because the siblings in this family get almost all
their understanding of the outside world from movies, and they've remake their
favorite pictures down to the smallest details. These kids pull off rather amazing home movies, constructing props and costumes
from the limited household materials they have access to in their hyper-isolated
world. It’s also fascinating to
watch their behavior and the way they talk about themselves. At least it’s
fascinating at first, but the more time we spend with these characters, the
less interesting they and the film become. Moselle seems to only scratch
the surface of complexity that may lie within this bizarre scenario. Unfortunately, just because a documentary has a fascinating subject doesn’t make it a great film.