Directed by
Janice Engel Produced by
Janice Engel, James Egan, and Carlisle Vandervoort Written by
Janice Engel and Monique Zavistovski
Harold Cook, Jim Hightower, Andy Ivins, Margo Johnston, Charles Kaiser, Paul Krugman, Anne Lamott, Linda Jann Lewis, Myra MacPherson, Rachel Maddow, Marty Maley, Sara Ivins Maley, Dave McNeely, Betsy Moon, Muffie Moroney, Victor Navasky, Kaye Northcott, Terry O'Rourke, Dan Rather, Cecile Richards, Anne Siefert, Sara Speights, Ellen Sweets, Forrest Wilder, and Anthony Zurcher
A warm and informative tribute to the famed Texas journalist, author, feminist, political commentator, and raconteur told by those who knew her and those who followed in her footsteps.