It’s not surprising that we don’t get a lot of
romantic comedies about sex addiction. Rom-coms need to maintain a light and
playful tone even when their characters are dealing with difficult situations,
and its tough to make any “disease movie” feel light and playful. Addiction
movies operate within an even more restrictive formula than rom-coms, typically
falling into two categories; raw indies that attempt to convey a direct sense
of their protagonist’s pain, and earnest Hollywood melodramas which offer too
many easy answers. If Steve McQueen's Shame, from 2011,
represents sex addiction for the indie film world, Thanks For Sharing, by first
time director Stuart Blumberg (writer of Keeping the Faith and The
Kids Are All Right) presents the Hollywood take. Blumberg populates his
film with a cast of worthwhile actors whose stars have faded (Gwyneth Paltrow,
Tim Robbins, Carol Kane), and anchors the movie with a great performance from
Mark Ruffalo, who is always charismatic even when playing a less-than-likeable
character. Despite all this talent, and a winning acting début from pop-star
Pink (Alecia Moore), the movie never quite gels. There is real potential in a exploring the difficulty sex
addicts must have when trying to form deep, lasting, monogamous romantic
relationships, but too much of this movie is played for laughs, and when it
does get serious it crosses too far into TV melodrama territory.