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Whose Streets?

Directed by Sabaah Folayan and Damon Davis
Produced by Sabaah Folayan, Damon Davis, Sabaah Jordan, Jennifer MacArthur, and Flannery Miller
With: Lezley McSpadden, Michael Brown Sr., David Whitt, Montague Simmons, Jamala, Ashley Yates, Anthony Shadid, Kayla Reed, T-Dubb-O, Catherine Daniels, Tef Poe, Brittany Ferrell, Kenna Ferrell, Thomas Jackson, Bassem Masri, Tory Russell, and Dhoruba
Cinematography: Lucas Alvarado-Farrar
Editing: Chris McNabb
Music: Samora Pinderhughes
Runtime: 102 min
Release Date: 11 August 2017
Aspect Ratio: 1.78 : 1
Color: Color
Twitter Capsule:

The people of Ferguson, Missouri, document their own story about the killing of 18-year-old Michael Brown and how the anti-police uprising that followed inspired a global movement in this raw, emotional, multi-protagonist doc.