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Late Night with the Devil

Directed by Cameron Cairnes and Colin Cairnes
Produced by Roy Lee, Steven Schneider, Derek Dauchy, Mat Govoni, John Molloy, and Adam White
With: David Dastmalchian, Laura Gordon, Ian Bliss, Fayssal Bazzi, Ingrid Torelli, Rhys Auteri, Georgina Haig, Josh Quong Tart, Steve Mouzakis, Paula Arundell, Christopher Kirby, and John O'May
Cinematography: Matthew Temple
Editing: Cameron Cairnes and Colin Cairnes
Music: Roscoe James Irwin and Glenn Richards
Runtime: 93 min
Release Date: 22 March 2024
Aspect Ratio: 1.85 : 1
Color: Color

The latest from Australian horror filmmaker siblings Colin and Cameron Cairnes (100 Bloody Acres, Scare Campaign) is the story of a late-night talk show broadcast on Halloween Night 1977, where the host attempts to boost ratings by booking a psychic, a debunker, a parapsychologist, and a supposedly possessed girl as guests. While mostly shot in the found-footage style as if this were an actual tape of an actual broadcast, the filmmakers inexplicably interweave qazi-documentary-style footage of what went on during the commercial breaks. During these segments, shot in black & white, the characters engage in behavior that bears no resemblance at all to what people on a talk show would do during breaks, nor to the running time of commercial breaks. Without these behind-the-scenes interludes, the movie might end up feeling legitimately creepy, but with them, the theatricality and artificiality of the execution undermines the conceit.

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With a little discipline and ingenuity, this tale of a live broadcast gone wrong could have been an effectively creepy found-footage horror movie, but the poorly conceived "doc" aspects underline the picture's artifice.