Seeking out the

5000 greatest films

in a century of cinema


Directed by Mikko Makela
Produced by James Robert Benjamin Watson
Written by Mikko Makela
With: Ruaridh Mollica, Hiftu Quasem, Jonathan Hyde, Ingvar Sigurdsson, Dylan Brady, Pedro Minas, Matthias Moret, Akbar Kurtha, Laurent Maria, Lara Rossi, Michael Jean-Marain, and David Nellist
Cinematography: Iikka Salminen
Editing: Mikko Makela and Arttu Salmi
Music: Ilari Heinilä
Runtime: 110 min
Release Date: 02 August 2024
Aspect Ratio: 1.85 : 1
Color: Color
Twitter Capsule:

Mikko Mäkelä’s tale of a young aspiring novelist who researches a book about sex workers by engaging in sex work himself attempts a meditation on the desire for connective understanding between older and younger gay men but ends up an unintentional expose of how the current generation of writers focus almost entirely on getting published as an end to itself rather than on writing something worth publishing (or reading).