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The in Between

Directed by Robie Flores
Produced by Kellen Quinn and Alejandro J. Flores
Editing: Robie Flores and Chloe Abrahams
Runtime: 82 min
Release Date: 09 March 2024
Aspect Ratio: 1.85 : 1
Color: Color
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Filmmaker Robie Flores returned to her hometown on the Texas/Mexico border after her brother's untimely death to make this quasi-documentary/coming-of-age memory film/portrait of a border town. This is one of those deeply personal docs people seem to love nowadays, but I found it alienatingly pleased with itself. At one point, Flores talks about looking for videos of her late brother because she can’t stand the idea of a generic slideshow playing at his funeral. Still photography can be so evocative and profound. Home videos strung together with ponderous narration are the opposite.